Displaying items by tag: Minneapolis St Paul Magazine
Monday, 27 February 2017 13:13
Diamond Awards People's Choice Winner 2012
Katie Hayden Dunham's Outstanding Calligraphy featured in an invitation design at Katie Murphy Stationery has won Mpls St. Paull Wedding's People's Choice Award for 2012! We are tickled Pink and Green to be among so many award winning wedding vendors featured in the new issue of Mpls/St. Paul Weddings Magazine.

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Monday, 27 February 2017 13:13
Diamond Awards Nomination 2012!
Katie Murphy Stationery is a Finalist in the Calligraphy Category in The Diamond Awards for Katie Hayden Dunham's fabulous Calligraphy Skills! Please go to this website to vote for The People's Choice in Calligraphy to celebrate Katie's Nomination! She is one talented Calligrapher with her very own style. The link to the voting page is mspmag.com/davote.

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Monday, 27 February 2017 13:13
Minneapolis St. Paul Weddings: Diamond Awards Nomination
I have some good news. I have been named a Diamond Awards finalist by the national panel of judges for Mpls/St. Paul Weddings Magazine! As one of the three finalists in my category of Outstanding Graphic Design, I am also in the running for People's Choice honors.

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